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Budweiser Wasabi Commercial

Wasabi (Japanese: わさび, 山葵 (originally written 和佐比) ; Wasabia japonica, Cochlearia wasabi, or Eutrema japonica) is a member of the cabbage family. Known as Japanese horseradish, its root is used as a spice and has an extremely strong flavor. Its hotness is more akin to that of a hot mustard than a chili pepper, producing vapors that irritate the nasal passages rather than the tongue. The plant grows naturally along stream beds in mountain river valleys in Japan.

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False ethnic stereotypes can gain acceptance as fact through frequent repetition. The use of stereotypes often leads to misunderstanding and hurt feelings, because they may be either untrue generalizations, truthful but unflattering generalizations, or truthful generalizations about a group which are untrue of any given member of a group.

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