In Cold or Hay Fever Season, it’s Kowa Clean Line Time

Surgical masks are popularly worn by the general public all year round in East Asian countries like China, Japan and South Korea to reduce the chance of spreading airborne diseases to others, and to prevent the breathing in of airborne dust particles created by air pollution.

A cloth face mask is a mask made of common textiles, usually cotton, worn over the mouth and nose. During the COVID-19 pandemic, multiple countries recommended the use of cloth masks to reduce the spread of the virus.

Gauze is a thin, translucent fabric with a loose open weave.

Abenomask is a Japanese political word named after [Prime Minister] Shinzo Abe. It is used in Japan [to refer to] the governmental action to give reusable surgical masks for every family [as a response to] the COVID-19 outbreak [and] the surgical mask[s themselves].

仁科 幸子(にしな ゆきこ、1963å¹´9月25æ—¥ – )は、 日本の女優、キャスター。CM: コーワ クリーンライン(マスク)(1980年代)

Yukiko Nishina is a Japanese actress and newscaster. [She appeared in a commercial for] Kowa Clean Line Masks in the 1980s.

興和株式会社(こうわ、英称:Kowa Company, Limited)とは、日本の専門商社である。本社は愛知県名古屋市に所在する。

Kowa Company, Limited is a specialized Japanese trading company. Its head office is in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture.