Cyril Takayama Burger Illusion

Cyril [Takayama] is a former member of T.H.E.M. [Totally Hidden Extreme Magic], which was a short-lived TV series. On the show, a gang of street magicians set up various scenarios to lure unsuspecting targets. After the team bewildered their victims, they would reveal themselves to the target as one of T.H.E.M.

The second category [of street magic] is more appropriately called “guerilla magic” in that it is a relatively recent style of performing magic illusions where the magician performs a single trick or two in a public space (such as on a sidewalk) for an unsuspecting, unpaying audience. The desired effect of this “hit and run” style of magic is to give the audience a feeling that what they are seeing is impromptu, unrehearsed, and experimental. It is, however, highly debatable whether magic should be performed for people without asking or without being asked to do so.

Cyril Takayama Old Age Prank

Cyril Takayama (born 1973) is a Japanese/French American illusionist, born and raised in Hollywood, California. He is perhaps best known for his street magic performances in Japan. His father is of Okinawan descent, while his mother is French-Moroccan.

Like other postindustrial countries, Japan faces the problems associated with an aging population. In 1989, only 11.6 % of the population was sixty-five years or older, but projections were that 25.6 % would be in that age category by 2030. That shift will make Japan one of the world’s most elderly societies, and the change will have taken place in a shorter span of time than in any other country.

Streetside Shoe Sniffers

Loose socks (Japanese: ルーズソックス, rūzu sokkusu) are a type of sock that is popular among Japanese and Korean girls. They originated from boot socks for mountain climbing, manufactured in and exported from the United States.

In Japan, they were adopted as a fashion that deviated from school uniforms and firmly took root after a long period of popularity.

Foot odor often results from wearing shoes and/or socks, especially shoes or socks with inadequate air ventilation, for many hours. Since human feet are densely covered with sweat glands, excessive perspiration of the feet is the result. This perspiration and warmth provide ideal conditions for bacteria and/or fungi to thrive. The presence of the bacteria and/or fungi does not in and of itself cause odor; instead, as the bacteria consume dead skin cells and moisture, they in turn produce waste material. This waste material is the cause of foot odor. As physical activity increases, foot perspiration, bacterial growth, and bacterial waste production all increase, causing odor to intensify.