Acecook Wakame Ramen

Wakame (わかめ ,ワカメ, 若布), Undaria pinnatifida, is a type of sea vegetable, or edible seaweed. In Japan it is most widely used in miso soup.

石立 鉄男(いしだて てつお、1942年7月31日‐2007年6月1日)は、日本の俳優。芸能事務所其田事務所、鈴木とし江事務所、アクターズプロモーション、アンクルベイビーに所属していた。

Translation: “Tetsuo Ishidate (July 31, 1942 – June 1, 2007) was a Japanese actor.”


Translation: “Acecook Co., Ltd. is a Esaka-cho, Suita-shi, Osaka-based company which manufactures and sells instant noodles.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger celebrates Nissin Cup Noodle’s 20th anniversary

Nissin recognized that the bowls traditionally used to package instant noodles were not common in the U.S, so they instead turned to the paper cup; in 1971, they introduced instant ramen packaged in a foam cup. Nissin subsequently introduced this to Japan.

Nissin Foods are also Purveyors to the Japanese Imperial Household Agency.

[Arnold] Schwarzenegger is considered among the most important figures in the history of bodybuilding, and his legacy is commemorated in the Arnold Classic annual bodybuilding competition.

Pankun and James make Sanuki Udon

Udon (饂飩 (うどん), Udon) is a type of thick wheat-flour noodle popular in Japanese cuisine. Sanuki (讃岐) udon is a thick and rather stiff type [of undon] from Kagawa Prefecture.

Pankun, (sometimes spelled pan-kun) is a young chimpanzee in Japan often featured on the NTV television show “Tensai! Shimura Doubutsu-en” (“天才!志村動物園”, lit. “Genius! Shimura Zoo”) and the TBS program “Doubutsu Kisou Tengai!” (“動物園奇想天外!”, lit. “Unbelievable Animals!”). Most of the segments feature him and his bulldog friend, James, embarking on a variety of “human” tasks, like buying groceries, planting a rice paddy, or catching insects.