Mizkan Ponzu Katsuo

Ponzu (ポン酢) is a citrus-based sauce commonly used in Japanese cuisine. The element pon arrived in the Japanese language from the English word punch. Su (酢) is Japanese for vinegar, and hence the name literally means vinegar punch.

Toshiyuki Nishida (西田 敏行 Nishida Toshiyuki, born 4 November 1947 in Koriyama, Fukushima) is a Japanese actor. In Japan, he is best known for his fishing comedy series, Tsuribaka Nisshi (“The Fishing Maniac’s Diary”), which currently spans 21 movies.

The skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, is a medium-sized perciform fish in the tuna family, Scombridae. It is otherwise known as the aku, arctic bonito, mushmouth, oceanic bonito, striped tuna, or victor fish. Skipjack tuna is used extensively in Japanese cuisine, where it is known as katsuo (鰹 or かつお). Besides being eaten seared (katsuo tataki, 鰹のタタキ) and raw in sushi (寿司 or すし) and sashimi (刺身 or さしみ), it is also smoked and dried to make katsuobushi(鰹節 or かつおぶし), the central ingredient in dashi (出汁 or だし) (a common Japanese fish stock).

Mizkan (ミツカン Mitsukan) is a Japanese company that produces vinegars (including seasoned rice vinegars, balsamic vinegars, and wine vinegars), mustards, salad dressings, authentic Asian sauces, nattō, and other food products.

Chicken Ramen Saleschick Laundry

Nissin Chikin Ramen (チキンラーメン) is a noodle brand and the first marketed brand of Japanese instant noodles produced by Nissin Foods since 1958. It was invented by Momofuku Ando after he saw how to cook tempura in his house in Ikeda, Osaka.

A chick is a bird that has not yet reached adulthood.

A clothes line or washing line is any type of rope, cord, or twine that has been stretched between two points (e.g. two sticks), outside or indoors, above the level of the ground. Clothing that has recently been washed is hung along the line to dry, using clothes pegs or clothespins.

Mana Ashida (芦田 愛菜 Ashida Mana, born 23 June 2004) is a Japanese child actress, tarento and singer from Nishinomiya, Hyogo Prefecture.

Aeon Ehomaki

Setsubun (節分) is the day before the beginning of spring in Japan. It is customary in Kansai area to eat uncut makizushi called ehō-maki (恵方巻, lit “lucky direction roll”), a type of futomaki (太巻, “thick, large or fat rolls”), in silence on Setsubun while facing the year’s lucky compass direction, determined by the zodiac symbol of that year. This custom started in Osaka, but in recent years eho-maki can be purchased at stores in the Kanto area and it is getting more recognized as a part of Setsubun tradition. Charts are published and occasionally packaged with uncut makizushi during February.

(恵方巻, “lucky direction roll”) is a roll composed of 7 ingredients considered to be lucky. The typical ingredients include kanpyō, egg, eel, and shiitake mushrooms. Ehōmaki often include other ingredients too.

ÆON Co., Ltd. (イオン株式会社 Ion Kabushiki-gaisha), commonly written AEON Co., Ltd., is the holding company of Æon Group. It operates all the AEON Retail Stores (formerly known as JUSCO supermarkets) directly in Japan. ÆON is Japan’s single-largest shopping mall developer and operator.