Sega Videogame SG-1000

The SG-1000 (エスジー・セン EsujÄ« Sen), also known as the Sega Game 1000, is a cartridge-based home video game console manufactured by Sega and released in Japan, Australia, and other countries. This system marked Sega’s first entry into the home video game hardware business, and provided the basis for the more successful Master System. First introduced in 1983, the SG-1000 was released on the same day that Nintendo released the Famicom in Japan.

In 1982, Sega‘s revenues would surpass $214 million, and they introduced the industry’s first three-dimensional game, SubRoc 3D. The following year, an overabundance of arcade games led to the video game crash, causing Sega’s revenues to drop to $136 million.

斉藤 祐子(さいとう ゆうこ、1960å¹´3月9æ—¥ – )は、日本の女性声優、タレント、元お笑い芸人。81プロデュース所属。京都府綾部市出身。 血液型はB型、身長153cm。

Translation: Yuko Saito (born March 9, 1960) is a Japanese voice actor, TV personality, and former comedienne. She was born in Ayabeshi City, Kyoto Prefecture, has blood type B, and is 153cm tall. She is represented by the 81 Produce talent agency.

Danchi Tomoo

Danchi Tomoo (団地ともお) is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Tobira Oda. An anime adaptation was announced in January 2013 and ran between April 2013 and February 2015.

Danchi (団地 lit. “group land”) is the Japanese word for a large cluster of apartment buildings of a particular style and design, typically built as public housing by government authorities.

The opening and credits sequences of most anime television episodes are accompanied by Japanese pop or rock songs, often by reputed bands. They may be written with the series in mind, but are also aimed at the general music market, and therefore often allude only vaguely or not at all to the themes or plot of the series.

NHK General TV (NHK総合テレビジョン NHK Sōgō Terebijon) is the main television service of NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation). It shows news, drama, quiz/variety shows, music, sports, anime and specials which directly compete with its commercial counterparts.

Zao Fox Village

The red fox, Vulpes vulpes, is the largest of the true foxes and the most abundant wild member of the Carnivora, being present across the entire Northern Hemisphere from the Arctic Circle to North Africa, North America and Eurasia.

Kitsune (狐, キツネ) is the Japanese word for fox.

Zaō (蔵王町) is a town located in Katta District, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. The economy of Zaō is largely based on agriculture and forestry and seasonal tourism.