Papa’s Christmas McNuggets


Marion Nestle, a New York University professor and author of What to Eat, says that the ingredients in McNuggets probably pose no health risks.

Encouraged by commerce, the secular celebration of Christmas is popular in Japan, though Christmas is not a national holiday. Gifts are sometimes exchanged. Christmas parties are held around Christmas Day.

飯尾 和樹(いいお かずき、1968年〈昭和43年〉12月22æ—¥ – )は、日本のお笑い芸人であり、お笑いコンビずんのボケ担当。

Kazuki Iio (December 22, 1968 -) is a Japanese comedian, and is the funny man of the comedy team Zun.

Boke (ボケ) comes from the verb bokeru (惚ける/呆ける) which carries the meaning of “senility” or “air headed-ness” and is reflected in the boke’s tendency for misinterpretation and forgetfulness.